Five tips for fraud prevention month

In the past year, among the many brands that made the headlines we have Macy’s, Marriott and other Starwood Hotels, and Kay Jewellers. These companies have something in common, and it is not the [...]

Our friend, Ryan Wilk

It is with deep shock and sadness that we must share that Ryan Wilk and his wife Elsa passed away following a tragic accident whilst on holiday with their family.

A human touch to fraud

When many hear the term “human farm” they think of The Matrix’s human power plant, where, as anyone with a sci-fi-loving bone in their body knows, the machines grow humans as batteries to provide [...]

The new favorite target for fraudsters

It used to be that the first thing to do with a stolen credit card is to go on a shopping spree but times have changed. Both brick and mortar stores and online retailers are getting increasingly [...]

What is risk based authentication? (KBA)

Risk-based authentication process applies varying levels of strictness to the authentication process based on the probability that a given application can be compromised. The authentication [...]

What is application fraud?

Applying for new products, often credit cards, bank accounts, loans, tax rebates using somebody else’s stolen identity. Costs the financial sector millions each year.

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